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March 25, 1970

When Communion began, I suddenly saw the light settle above the altar. The light was not as I had usually seen it. It was different; and I heard inwardly: “The light is overshadowed.” I do not know what this means. When I had received Holy Communion and returned to my place, I once again had a strong impression that “The Lord” was close by and in me. At the same moment, the light changed. It was exceedingly bright and more beautiful than ever before. Toward the end of Holy Mass, the light very slowly went away.


About 5 o’ clock, looking from our window facing Kennedy-Lane, we saw a procession moving towards the place where the Lady’s church is to be built. These were the people who had come to the Congress Building of the RAI in order to commemorate tin-25th anniversary of the Lady’s first apparition.


Within a few minutes of lively conversation with my sisters, I suddenly saw the light descending over the whole area and tin-people. It was as if heaven had opened. At that moment, I heard the voice of the Lady.


I thought, “That’s impossible! for the Lady had told me that Her words would cease.” So I was exceedingly moved to hear Her voice again. Has She perhaps made an exception for this celebration? Unfortunately, I did not see Her. She spoke more quickly than usual and from emotion I did not repeat Her words aloud.


The Lady said, “You have met ‘the Lord’ again today; and today you may once more hear My voice.”

She paused for a moment and then the voice continued, “I had wanted to bring an important and joyous message.—However, they have not listened.”


Then I saw streams flooding over the ground. It looked like a raging sea. I heard, “The waves of degeneration, disaster and win, are engulfing the world ever more. Do not let yourselves be swept away by the flood-tides of spiritual confusion.”


“Apostles of the Lord, remain faithful to your divine calling!”


The Lady again waited a little and then said in a very said in a very sad tone, “And you, poor souls that have lost your way, come back.”


Then all was quiet and I saw the light becoming greater, powerful and splendid. I heard the Lady say, “The hour is near. You, child, have acted well, very well; just as We wished. Fear nothing. Tell this to your Bishop.” The light slowly faded away. I heard the voice as if coming from afar, saying, “Farewell.”

May 31, 1970

During Holy Mass I had the following experience: Shortly before the Consecration I saw a large, black plane.


The plane formed itself into a big, black Cross. Then within this black Cross appeared a smaller, narrower and shining Cross that sparkled on all sides. This Cross, ablaze in the midst of the black Cross, shone so brightly, that the big Cross became wholly bathed in its light.


Remaining Contact


During the Consecration I saw the chalice that was being raised, encircled by a halo of brilliant light. From out of the chalice emerged, in horizontal position, a “Spiritualized, Sacred Host.” This Sacred Host was translucent. After that the Sacred Host came to rest above the chalice in a vertical position.


I discerned a difference between the Host that was still lying in front of the priest, and the “Spiritualized, Sacred Host.” This latter irradiated such splendour in all directions that it hurt my eyes.


Then the priest took the Host that lay before him and held it up. I saw the Spiritualized Sacred Host combine with the Host the priest was holding up and with it form one blazing light. This was a most resplendent sight — words cannot suffice for adequate comment.


The next thing I saw was that the light that shone round about the chalice and the priest, was tending in the direction of the spot (in our room) where the Lady had always appeared. Then the two lights became one. For, in the meantime, the light that always ac­companied the Lady, had also entered the room. The whole room was now one ocean of light.


The chalice meanwhile stood on the altar and I now saw that blood was streaming out of it. At the same time I heard the words, “They have reviled Me again.”


“They have nailed Me to the Cross anew.”


“Make atonement.”


The light stayed in the room all the time. Then it looked as if the light was being parted and presently I saw the priest, ready to distribute Holy Communion.


When I had received Our Lord, I heard a sentence in an utterly strange tongue. I asked, “What does it mean?” and heard the answer, – “I Am That I Am.”


It was not the voice of the Lady. I did not get the sense of this saying.


After a pause the voice said, “Make this message known to the whole world.”


To this it added, as a command,


“Lead the Rosary this afternoon.”


Then the light slowly vanished and I could see my surroundings again.

August 15, 1970

During Holy Mass, in the private Chapel of the Secretariaat of “the Lady of All Nations” at Diepenbrockstraat in Amsterdam, where the painting of “the Lady of All Nations” had been tempo­rarily placed on June 26, 1970, I had the following experience:


At my Holy Communion, I suddenly saw “the Light” of the Lady. Then there appeared on either side of “that Light” a much more grandiose, enormous heavenly “Light” which spread slowly over “the Light” of the Lady. In fact, it looked as if “the Light” of the Lady was being overshadowed. Now I saw a “Light” coming down from an unfathomable height and at a certain level it ex­panded fanwise over the other “Light.”


It was a very different Light. It is difficult to explain, but to me it seemed to be of quite another substance – still more spiritu­alized, I would like to call it. I had never seen that sort of Light before. Watching it, I heard a “Voice” which I had never heard before, saying: “From here the stream will begin its course.”


These words being spoken, I saw a powerful, broad stream of crystal-clear water running past at a terrific speed. It looked to me as if stars were swept along in that water, stars that radiated live sparks to every direction. And I also thought I saw gold in that running water. It was a wonderful and thrilling spectacle.


And above that stream I saw the threefold “Light” radiating all over it. This went on for quite a while until it faded away and I said inwardly: “My Lord, I thank You for being allowed to witness this” (As a matter of fact, I always said this after hearing or seeing things like visions).

February 28, 1971

At the Consecration (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat) I saw the Sacred Host take on a dazzling white appearance just at the Elevation. The Sacred Host grew whiter and whiter, so as to baffle all comparison. All I can say is that it looked like white fire the  hands of the priest.

March 14, 1971

Sunday of the “Silent Procession” in Amsterdam


In the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat during the Consecration at the Elevation I saw the Sacred Host become white fire. It was so beautiful that words to describe it just fail me. At the Elevation of the Chalice, this too took on the appearance of a blazing fire before my eyes. The priest stood enveloped in the light.


I felt like being in a heavenly condition.

March 25, 1971

During Holy Mass (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat) I saw a heavenly vision. First “the Light” appeared during the Consecra­tion. At the Elevation I saw the Sacred Host grow ever whiter and brighter, as if it was going to be white fire. The Sacred Host radi­ated in all directions. At the Elevation of the Chalice I saw a Cross rising from it. Thick drops of blood trickled down from the Cross and fell into the Chalice. Then, all at once I saw the Cross ablaze with beautiful light. It emitted rays to all sides and the Chalice became so beautiful that is appeared to be more precious than ordi­nary gold. I saw the priest standing in “the Light.”


Until that moment I saw priest, altar, Chalice, with cross and the Sacred Host, still in that dazzling “Light.” Then heaven opened before my eyes. I saw a heavenly vision and ceased to see my normal environment. It was an unfathomable, awe-inspiring depth into which I looked. The first “Light” was still there. But now I saw a second “Light” piercing it or – should I say – enveloping it.


I saw the Chalice standing in that depth, with above it the flam­ing Cross surmounted by the Sacred Host, shining and beaming.


It was all “Light” of two different shades.


Suddenly, I saw a broad glittering bundle of rays appearing all over this and slanting downwards on both sides of the other two “Lights.” This was the third “Light.”


I could quite clearly distinguish the different shades of the “Lights.” Then a magnificent, radiating white Dove appeared hov­ering at the top of that last bundle of rays. I felt a very profound heavenly impression during this vision. It was a moving sight, that dazzling-white Dove emitting its rays over the Chalice, the Cross and the Sacred Host below. Then that ensemble, the Chalice, the Cross and the Sacred Host, was encircled by stars; I counted twelve of them. One of them was larger and more brilliant than the others.


And I heard a “Voice” say:

“I am with you. “


I had never before heard that “Voice.”


Then there appeared in that vast depth representatives of all the nations and tribes of the world. They stood on either side of that vision and looked up to that scene.


Now I noticed still more people, who arrived at a fast pace, not to miss the proceedings. Some actually sprinted.


I said to myself: “They seem to be people who have lost their way and now they are retracing their steps.”


And over all this I saw emerging a large beautiful crown. It was not a crown made of gold or diamonds, but even so it was so beautiful that I cannot describe the impression it made on me. The whole experience touched me so strongly and I was in such a heav­enly state of mind, that I have no words to express it.


But I thanked the Lord inwardly for allowing me to contem­plate all this. The whole experience lasted from the Consecration until long after my Holy Communion, which I received in pro­found meditation.


By that time the Chalice and the Sacred Host faded away and after a while also the Dove, the crown and the stars vanished.


Only then the first “Light” disappeared, followed by the sec­ond and the third “Light.”


When the priest began reciting the psalm: “The Lord is my Shepherd,” I was again able to join in.

May 31, 1971

During Holy Mass (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat) I saw a heavenly vision. It is very difficult to describe because it was so heavenly. At the Offertory I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the two priests (concelebrating). They were enveloped by “the Light.” This grew stronger and stronger and I could no longer see the altar nor the priests. It was one ocean of “Light.”


Then, suddenly, it looked to me as if heaven burst open above me. I beheld an unfathomable, beautiful depth, full of Majesty and Light. And I saw a large and superb Chalice surmounted by a bril­liant Cross. On its top appeared a very large Sacred Host, radiating Light. It looked like white fire and it was almost impossible to watch it. I was allowed to behold this scene for quite a long time. Then I discerned, coming up from the right, out of that immeasur­able depth, a floating white figure of what looked like a young man. I asked myself: “Who is he?” I heard inwardly: “He is John.” Then I noticed that the young man carried the painting of “the Lady of All Nations” ( as known in our Chapel) in his hands and he placed it under that Chalice, Cross and Sacred Host.


And now I saw that the same figure was holding an enormous radiant crown in his hands and he place it on the top of the picture. After that the figure disappeared into the background. Then I saw great, brilliant stars emerging vertically round the whole vision. They were really splendid and I counted twelve of them. Above each star appeared a man’s head.


I thought they had faces from bygone ages. I counted twelve of them. I asked myself: “Who are these?” And I heard inwardly: “They are the twelve tribes.” Then, again, above these heads ap­peared other men’s heads and I counted twelve of them. Again I asked inwardly: “Who are these?” I heard: “They are the twelve Apostles.”

And again above these heads appeared twelve more men’s heads and I noticed they were bishops, because of their mitres. In their midst, I saw the head of a Pope wearing a tiara.


Then, below this vision, coming from the right, three animals and a winged figure appeared.


They took their place below the picture and the whole group. I saw a lion. It looked up to that group, knelt down and bowed its head. I saw an eagle. It spread its wings to full width, looked up and bowed its head deeply whilst fluttering its wings. Then I saw a bull. It also looked up, tried to kneel and made a low bow. Then the radiant figure came nearer. I saw his large wings, for he spread them very widely. He knelt and bowed down deeply. Now I saw an enormous beast with a monstrous head crawling up from the left.


I took it to be an ugly snake of enormous size. It twisted and turned its way into the direction of that group, looked up, and it was as if a shock went through its body and …bang!…quickly the beast wound and twisted itself into the ground. I felt a fright at the sight of it.


Then people came running up from the four quarters of heaven. They belonged to various races and rallied round the whole group. They all looked up, knelt and bowed devoutly before that heav­enly, wonderful spectacle.


Then I saw that a white Dove came flying along above that group. It stayed there, hovering on its outspread wings.


This was followed by a sound in my ears and I felt a violent wind or storm breaking over the whole party including myself. This wind came from the four quarters of heaven. It was like blowing with a tremendous force from West to East and from North to South.

Next I saw that figure named “John” again. He moved his hand around the painting, as if he was drawing a design. I heard in­wardly: “Chapel.” Then I saw all over the whole scene, the three domes of the church which the Lady had shown me before. But this seemed to me to refer to the future.

Then I heard a call in an unknown foreign language. I can nei­ther give the gist of it nor pronounce it. But I understood inwardly: “Let it be so.” Then everything faded away, first the vision, then “the Light.”


After having experienced all this, I saw the priests and the al­tar again.


I heard that Holy Mass was about to end and the priest was saying the Psalm: “The Lord is my Shepherd.” And I was again able to join in. I noticed that the Sacred Host was still unconsumed on my tongue. Only then, I consumed it.

August 15, 1971

During Holy Mass (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat) I saw at the Elevation that the Sacred Host was growing amazingly white and a “Light” was shining through it.


The same “Light” was radi­ating over the hands of the priest. At Holy Communion, on receiv­ing “Our Lord” I heard: “Don't be afraid, be comforted. I am with you all.”


In the afternoon, saying the Rosary, I had a strong feeling that the Lady was with us. I saw “the Light” radiating.

December 8, 1971

When receiving Holy Communion, I suddenly saw an open space in a heavenly garden beaming with light. It is not possible to express in human words the beauty of that garden and that light. That light was heavenly and looked like dazzling-white fire. In the centre of that open space, I saw a grandiose fountain: the height and the distance attained by its jets of water were enormous. The longer I watched them, the more brilliant they became. In the glare of that light, they seemed to force one large interplay of the most splendid crystals. It was one great sparkling splendour. Once again, it cannot be expressed in words.


After a while I heard a “Voice” from the far background: “The struggle is over.”


And the fountain began to sparkle still more beautifully and majestically. The spectacle continued until the priest began to say the prayers after Holy Communion. Then everything faded out of view and I saw the altar and the priest again.

February 2, 1972

During the Elevation of the Sacred Host at the Consecration I saw a magnificent heavenly “Light” proceeding from the Sacred Eucharistic Experiences Host. The “Light” spread over the hands of the priest and gradu­ally over the altar, the priest and the whole environment.

It impressed me profoundly. The “Light” stayed till the end of Holy Mass.


In the afternoon, while saying the Rosary, I saw a tremendous glitter of “Light” settling over the painting of the Lady. It was as if the image radiated splendidly.


February 11, 1972

When the priests were distributing Holy Communion, I saw “the Light” coming over them and the altar. On receiving Holy Communion myself, I saw again the vision of that heavenly gar­den with a fountain in the centre of a large plain. Below this garden there was a large empty space and, below that space again, the globe. So I saw the ensemble in three scenes, one below the other. The globe was entirely wrapped in darkness. Suddenly, I saw the globe splitting up into two almost flat parts. Then a more powerful light came from the sky all over this splitting world. The fountain spouted its crystal jets high up into the sky and I saw them come down with violent force to that split-up world, which absorbed them entirely. It was all glare of light on that earth and I saw the crystals sinking deep into the soil.


Then a big and beautiful rose-in-bud, silvery and heavenly, sprouted out from that split-up world. This bud developed slowly upwards and stopped growing in the empty space, and was stand­ing now between the heavenly garden and earth.


The bud opened leaf after leaf and then that heavenly rose stood forth in all its glory. It is impossible to explain how heav­enly and glorious this vision was. Now everything faded away. I had the Sacred Host still unconsumed on my tongue. Holy Mass was just over.

March 25, 1972

When Communion began, I suddenly saw the light settle above the altar. The light was not as I had usually seen it. It was different; and I heard inwardly: “The light is overshadowed.” I do not know what this means. When I had received Holy Communion and returned to my place, I once again had a strong impression that “The Lord” was close by and in me. At the same moment, the light changed. It was exceedingly bright and more beautiful than ever before. Toward the end of Holy Mass, the light very slowly went away.


About 5 o’ clock, looking from our window facing Kennedy-Lane, we saw a procession moving towards the place where the Lady’s church is to be built. These were the people who had come to the Congress Building of the RAI in order to commemorate tin-25th anniversary of the Lady’s first apparition.


Within a few minutes of lively conversation with my sisters, I suddenly saw the light descending over the whole area and tin-people. It was as if heaven had opened. At that moment, I heard the voice of the Lady.


I thought, “That’s impossible! for the Lady had told me that Her words would cease.” So I was exceedingly moved to hear Her voice again. Has She perhaps made an exception for this celebration? Unfortunately, I did not see Her. She spoke more quickly than usual and from emotion I did not repeat Her words aloud.


The Lady said, “You have met ‘the Lord’ again today; and today you may once more hear My voice.”

She paused for a moment and then the voice continued, “I had wanted to bring an important and joyous message.—However, they have not listened.”


Then I saw streams flooding over the ground. It looked like a raging sea. I heard, “The waves of degeneration, disaster and win, are engulfing the world ever more. Do not let yourselves be swept away by the flood-tides of spiritual confusion.”


“Apostles of the Lord, remain faithful to your divine calling!”


The Lady again waited a little and then said in a very said in a very sad tone, “And you, poor souls that have lost your way, come back.”


Then all was quiet and I saw the light becoming greater, powerful and splendid. I heard the Lady say, “The hour is near. You, child, have acted well, very well; just as We wished. Fear nothing. Tell this to your Bishop.” The light slowly faded away. I heard the voice as if coming from afar, saying, “Farewell.”

May 31, 1972

On receiving Holy Communion (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat) I saw a vision. It was as if heaven burst open before my eyes. Again I saw the glorified, crowned Lady in this heavenly vision, but this time in the far distance. Then heaven closed again. Thereupon, heaven opened anew and I saw two groups of spirits facing each other. One of those spirits had a kind of sword in his hand.


And I watched those two groups.


Suddenly, the opposing group was mown down. This seemed to me a scene from bygone ages, at least I understood it inwardly. Now, all of a sudden, I saw the same happening on earth, but this time two groups of human beings stood facing each other. One group was mown down by the opposing group.


Then came a Light so fierce that I had to cover my eyes with my hand. There were three rays. One in the middle, one on the right and one on the left, pointing downwards to the earth, which was lit up completely. Next I saw a very beautifully bright road, right in front of me, with a sort of slope which looked like a lawn at its edge. At the end of that road was a gate with a big, gold-coloured door. A large flock of sheep came up from the left and from the right. And from that “Light” I heard a “Voice” saying:


“I am the Spirit of Truth and Wisdom. I am the Water that gives Life. I am the light that wants to enlighten and fertil­ize all of you unto the true Doctrine and the true Faith. The sheep will be separated from the goats.”


Then I saw the sheep pattering single file along that beautiful road and making for the gate. Every now and then the door of that gate opened and a small batch of sheep entered. This went on until all sheep were inside. And looking down upon that road I saw the goats slipping off that slope. But I could not see where they ended.


Then I noticed quite another stretch of farmland. I saw cornstalks rising from the soil. It became on large corn-field and “the Light” shone over it. All those corn-stalks bowed low before that “Light.” Then I saw in front of me a big ring which was broken into two halves. It looked as if they were held up on either side and then joined to each other. But the upper part of the ring remained en­closed. Then I saw an invisible hand closing the gap. The result was a magnificent, gold, round ring.


Next I was shown another vision. A sacrificial altar was placed before me. It was not a common altar, but an altar built up out of unhewn stones. And I counted twelve stones. In the middle was an opening from which smoke arose and coiled up. Then it changed into an altar as is familiar to us, and now in common use. A “Voice” that I had heard before said: “Your Doctrine is good. Why do you revile it? Go back, you priests, to your true doctrine. I, the Spirit of Truth and Wisdom, will assist you.


And you (and this sounded as if spoken to others) remain faithful. I shall give you the directives.”


Then “the Light” faded away and the vision was at an end. Holy Mass already was over.

September 8, 1972

During Holy Communion (in the Chapel on Diepen-brockstraat) I saw “the Light” coming over the altar. On receiv­ing “Our Lord” I heard: “Priests and lay-people, go on fighting for Her Who gave birth to Me. The time is NOW.”


The last word was said with special emphasis. I said inwardly: “My Lord, may Your will be done.”

December 8, 1972

At the Offertory, during Holy Mass (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat) “the Light” came over the whole altar and the priests. It was a magnificent, brilliant, “Light” that remained sta­tionary. On receiving Holy Communion, I had a heavenly vision. I saw a vast, empty earthy plain before me. Then, suddenly, I saw that the plain was covered with trees in leaf as if it were summer. Then I saw all those leaves fall off so that soon all the trees were bare, as if it were winter. Then I saw and heard that the branches were being broken off one by one by an invisible hand. I did hear the noise of it, which was so piercing and ghastly that an awful distress and pain seized me at every crack. The whole vision sad­dened me profoundly.


Now I saw only bare trunks. Suddenly, these too crashed down to the ground with a thundering noise. As I was watching the ravage of dead branches and trunks, great sadness and pain came over me.


Then I saw a beam of “Light” approaching in the air above the plain. In that “Light” a hand appeared with a finger raised in warn­ing, and I heard resounding through the sky: “Woe to you who made this havoc.”


Whilst these words were spoken, I saw the hand and finger pointing downwards to those branches and trunks. I watched that scene and was again seized by terrible anguish. Then I saw the ground bursting open. All branches and trunks disappeared into the rift and the ground closed over it. And there was a silence round about me. After that I saw again a plain in front of me. But there was a difference. This time if affected me as if I were gazing at a heavenly plain. A bundle of rays descended on it from on high. It was as if heaven opened and I heard: “And you, My apostles, who still are serving the altar, don’t be discouraged. Don’t fear. Continue faithfully along the same lines. Believe in Me and in the Transubstantiation. The Lord is with you. Gather the remnants and as­semble My flock. I am with you.”


Then I heard:

“Watch well.”


And I surveyed anew that heavenly plain.


Suddenly, a very thin twig shot up from the soil, like an arrow of fire. Watching that little twig, I saw it growing thicker and taller and it became a sturdy stem. Then I saw that stem putting forth branch after branch, alternately from the right and the left side, until I saw a magnificent golden tree standing in front of me. Then buds sprang from the top of every branch. At first closed, they then suddenly burst open. Now I saw a pure golden tree in bloom. I cannot describe how grand that tree was. Again I heard the “Voice” from heaven: “Don’t be afraid. The Lord is with you. But…first the storm will come.”


Then the vision faded away. Holy Mass was over. And the Sa­cred Host was still unconsumed on my tongue. I said inwardly:


“Lord, I don’t understand anything of these visions. But I thank You in all humility for what I have seen.”


Then “the Light” disappeared.

February 2, 1973

During Holy Mass (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat), be­fore the beginning of the Consecration, I saw a magnificent “Light” coming from the painting of the Lady. “The Light” spread over the whole altar and the priest. During the Consecration, at the Eleva­tion of the Sacred Host, I saw the Host radiating on all sides. The Chalice was likewise encircled by “Light” at the Elevation.


When receiving “Our Lord” I heard: “Be faithful.” and again, with more insistence: “Be faithful.” The “Light” stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

February 11, 1973

During Holy Mass (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat) at the Consecration, I saw “the Light” coming. Gorgeous Light. I was watching the painting and it was as if the Lady stood there in fes­tive attire.


When receiving “Our Lord” I heard: “Watch and listen attentively to what I let you see and hear.”


And I saw heaven opening and I had a magnificent, heavenly vision. Now I understood that “the Light” came from on high. It shone across an open plain, dazzling beautiful.


In the centre of that plain stood again that magnificent golden tree with golden leaves and buds, which I had seen before. As I was watching, I saw the buds burst open and become beautiful flowers. Then I saw around the tree a bare patch of ground and round about it crystal-clear running water.


Suddenly, the flowers fell down one by one, and dropped on that bare patch around the tree. Then it was as if that round-about running water grew still more living. It sprayed sparkling water on the flowers on the ground.


Above all this I saw a glorious “Sun” in the sky. It was not an ordinary “sun,” but a heavenly “Sun.” Now twelve stars appeared and they formed an arc around the “Sun,” and over all this I saw a rainbow of enormous size. And I heard “the Voice” saying very clearly:


“You, My faithful servants, take courage and stand by the ‘Truth!’ 1 cannot insist too much on this. You will propa­gate ‘the Truth.’ The hour has almost come.”


Then I saw a blessing Hand coming forth from heaven and on the earth below I saw people kneeling and prostrating in rever­ence. Then I saw an image of a Pope wearing a tiara and I heard inwardly:

“It does an about-turn. “


Thereupon, four men arrived taking up archwise processions in twos on either side of that image of the Pope. Each of them carried in his hand a book engraved with a different symbol. The first had an Eagle, another a Bull, the next a Lion and the last a winged Person. “The Voice” sounded again:

“You, My faithful servants, don’t be afraid, fight for the Truth and bring Her back into your midst.”

Now the twelve stars began scintillating splendidly. It was such a profound heavenly vision, that I cannot describe it in human words.


“The Light” withdrew slowly and I said inwardly: “My Lord, I have placed all my trust in You. I thank You for what I was al­lowed to see and hear.”


Holy Mass already was over and the Sacred Host was still unconsumed on my tongue.

March 25, 1973

At the Consecration I saw “the Light” coming and immedi­ately after the Elevation of the Chalice I had a heavenly vision. From the clouds I saw a hand coming and a finger pointed to the earth. I heard “the Voice” call: “Death and destruction.”


I saw the earth and over it hovered death and destruction. On it lay skulls and cross-bones, and the earth looked as if a pestilence had passed over it. Then “the Voice” sounded again:

“Once more I tell you: Woe to you who have made this havoc and caused this destruction.”

Now I saw a winding-path with crawling beasts.


I thought they were lobster, but I heard inwardly: “scorpions.” The path on which they crawled and twisted reminded me of a snake’s path. Suddenly, I saw those scorpions change into human beings! I took them to be many men. I only saw their backs.

A terrific storm broke over them and I heard the thunderclaps. Again I heard “the Voice” say:

“Follow Me and undergo what they will forfeit if they do not return from that path”

And it was as if I were uplifted and I felt like having been transferred into a profound heavenly condition. It was as if I were among other people, who all had come to the Kingdom. I cannot describe that situation for it was so profound, so spiritual.

I was allowed to stay there quite a while. After that I came back to my first condition. Meantime, I had received Holy Com­munion. And I heard “the Voice” say: “/ am with you, watch well and listen. And you, understand all this rightly.”


It was as if these last words were spoken to other people. Now I saw the Vatican and I heard:

“The process between the Spirit and destruction is in full progress.”


Next I saw a triangle with an eye inside and I heard:


“And you, my shepherds, where are you?

Will you too revile Me ?

Think of your true duty and vocation.

Reassemble My flocks that are left.

Take My lambs into safe keeping and lead them back to the ‘daily miracle.’ Only there peace and rest can be found.

Carry Me again through the streets and across the squares. Remain faithful and the Spirit will help you.

He will feed you with the heavenly Manna and let you drink from the water of the Spring.”


A great joy came over me and it was as if everything beamed with Light. I saw a large cornfield and the sheaves stood bundled there. A rainbow formed over it, whilst it was raining. While I stood watching, I saw men carrying away the bundled corn sheaves. There were also small groups of sheep and lambs about with their shepherd. All this was taken to a big church.


Suddenly, they turned into people of different races.


Then in a flash, I saw a chapel and the church I had already seen before and I heard:


“The Spouse of the Lord was not sent to the earth for no purpose. Make Her known among the nations. Understand this well: Also the Lord stood in need of His Mother in order to at­tain to life.
It is through the Mother that life comes. Hence She must be brought back into your churches and among the na­tions and you will witness the revival.”


Then I saw a big, golden ring and in it appeared a dial-plate with a pointer, which started running and came to a stop on the central number at the top. In that way, the ring had changed into a clock.


Next I saw a Pope.


Four books, embossed with animal-emblems, were laid in front of him. Thereupon, I was shown a triangle and in it another tri­angle, a Star of David. And I saw quite another Community of Christians, but this seemed to be for the future. Suddenly, I stood in a heavenly plain and in its centre a branch came up from the soil. And on that branch grew a heavenly golden rose. Watching these proceedings, I saw “the Light” flaring up and then fading away very slowly.



And I noticed that I had the Sacred Host still unconsumed on my tongue.

August 15, 1973

At the Elevation of the Chalice during the Consecration I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priests. It was a magnifi­cent, radiant Light. At saying “The Lord’s Prayer,” I saw a heav­enly vision. I heard: “Follow Me.”


And presently I entered the Kingdom. This time it was over­whelmingly beautiful, surpassing all previous occasions.


It is impossible to explain what I passed through and saw. There are no human words for these experiences. Nevertheless, I will try to give an idea of the glory and heavenly splendour. I saw a tre­mendous heavenly “Light” as if the Lord appeared there in all His glory. I also clearly saw the Lady crowned in all Her splendour. I heard “the Voice” say:


“Continue along the road you have taken. I will assist you. Although…(‘the Voice’ stopped for a moment) don’t be afraid. Your enemy lies on the look-out. And you, My priests, be again apostles. Preach what is in the Books.”


I had already seen those four books lying in front of the throne, but now they were picked up and carried around. “The Voice” spoke again: “Continue with Ecumenism, but… (‘the Voice” stopped again for a moment) in the right spirit, in the good sense! (this last sentence was stressed) Lead the nations to Her, whom I have sent through the Holy Spirit.”


Then I saw from the Kingdom, the earth lying beneath , as if I looked upon it from above and I heard “the Voice” say: “Europe, be prepared, your enemy lies on the look-out. And you too, other nations of the earth.”


And I felt a kind of threat hanging over our earth. Again I heard “the Voice” say: “Bishops and priests, My apostles, bring back My people and the Spirit will help you. But you yourselves must ad­here to the true Spirit. Go to the Roman Pontiff and im­plore him to proclaim the Lady all over the world. Now there is still time. This is your commission for today.”


Then I heard again: “Follow Me.”


And I went back through a heavenly garden where I heard heav­enly music. Then I saw “the Light” withdrawing slowly from the altar and the priests and I just heard the priest pronounce the last words of Holy Mass. I also noticed that the Sacred Host was still unconsumed on my tongue. I have thanked the Lord from the bot­tom of my heart for having been allowed to experience this heav­enly condition.

March 25, 1970

During Holy Mass, immediately after the Offertory, I saw “the Light” coming over the whole altar and the priests. At the end of the Lord’s Prayer I saw a heavenly vision. I was placed in a valley on a sort of hill, so that I could survey the surroundings.


In the centre of that valley I saw a bare plain. I heard “the Voice” say: “Watch well.”


And I saw a magnificent, vigorous tree coming up from the soil in that bare plain. At every extremity of the branches I saw a name written in strange letters. The top of that tree was bare. I heard again “the Voice.”


“Now watch well what is going to happen.”


And I saw a heavenly “Light” coming over the bare top of that tree, and in that “Light” I saw a Dove hovering.


Then something charming happened.


A magnificent golden rose bloomed slowly at the bare top of the tree and opened. Then I saw a very special “Light” coming forth as if leaping out of that rose. Meanwhile I heard: “She was overshadowed and entirely pervaded by ‘the Light.’ She has been sent to save the world.”


It was a beautiful heavenly view.


Then I heard “the Voice” say from above that heavenly tree: “Now watch and pass it on accurately.”


Next to the heavenly tree, another tree came up from the soil. It was tall and stately with its branches raised aloft. But it was an earthly tree compared to that other one. All at once I saw the branches drooping. They all hung slack and many of them snapped off. I heard:


“Do you see the difference and understand this rightly.”


And inwardly I heard: “That represents the Church” Then I saw, beside the second tree, a twig coming up from the soil. And watching it, I saw the beginning of the bloom, but it hap­pened very slowly. Then an enormous “Light” flood-lit the whole site from above. “The Voice” spoke again:

“Take Her back into your Church. Amsterdam, She will gather the nations into your city.”

Then I saw a group of people standing there, and heard: “And you, know your task. Do what you are asked to do. She has been sent by Me. Take good note of what has happened.”


And I saw the earth rotating in front of me and noticed deep grooves and black spots on it. Then I heard: “The prayer that She has taught you, has already yielded much fruit. Go on praying. Things might have got still worse. Watch carefully.”


Then I saw that the whole earth was black and on it walked “Death,” scythe in hand. And he mowed over the ground and all at once skulls were lying about everywhere (an awful sight).

“The Voice” sounded again: “Keep praying. The process of purgation is in full swing and will still go on. “


I saw a large group of men standing there and heard: “And you, My apostles, what have you done? Return to the daily sacrifice, to the daily miracle, and you will have peace and rest again in your hearts.”


Then I saw the trees and the twig standing in still fiercer Light and overhead I saw the Dove hovering to and fro as if It was busily engaged. I heard: “The Spirit is here again. I have given you the guidelines. Do follow them and the Church will be great again. But first… (and ‘the Voice’ paused for a moment) various cur­rents will clash with one another. But… do push on! Netherlands, you have shouldered an arduous task. Do bring Her back. That will also bring about the salvation of other nations.


And you, tell your Pontiff that the Holy Spirit is with him. Hold on and remain faithful.
Bishops, do join forces again, the Spirit will assist you.”


Then I saw the valley fading out of sight and I heard that Holy Mass was at an end. I still had the Sacred Host unconsumed on my tongue.


I thanked the Lord.

November 29, 1973

In the night of November 28th to 29th I awoke suddenly and I heard a call:




It was exactly three o’clock a.m. I went to sleep again, but after some time I woke up once more and I heard calling louder and more drawn out:




This time it was called even much louder and more drawn out and at a higher pitch. From then, I did not go back to sleep.

December 8, 1973

At the Offertory during Holy Mass (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat) I saw “the Light” coming over the altar and the priests. It radiated enormously.


At the beginning of the Consecration I saw a heavenly vision. It was as if heaven opened.

And out of there, from on high, I saw a heavenly procession coming downwards, left and right, and in its centre was a “Radiant Figure” holding a Chalice surmounted by a Sacred Host which radiated on all sides. On high, from where the procession was com­ing, I saw a heavenly Throne, and a Majestic Person sitting thereon. At His side, I saw the Lady, glorified and crowned.

More and more heavenly beings came downwards.


Next I saw an altar, and the Chalice and Sacred Host were placed on it.

All the heavenly beings prostrated round about the altar.


Meanwhile, I heard the following words: “I have given the instructions. You, My priests, carry them out, and take care of this Di­vine Secret.”


Then everything faded away from the sight, and I saw that the Consecration was over.

At my Holy Communion, I heard the words: “Don’t be held back. Go to the Holy Father.” 


“The Light” stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

December 30, 1973

During Holy Mass, at the priest’s Holy Communion, I distinctly heard the word “Ismael” which was pronounced as:



I wondered what this meant, but I took no more notice of it. In the afternoon, when I was doing a cross-word puzzle at home, I heard loudly:


“Ishmael (Jishmael).”


As we were chatting at night, I heard the same word again loudly. I did not understand the meaning of it.

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