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February 2, 1976

In the night of February 1 st to 2nd, I got wide-awake round three o’clock and I heard a “Voice” calling:

“Lachaim, Lachaim.”


It sounded drawn out and cheerful.


During Holy Mass at the Creed on February 2nd, “the Light” came over the altar and the priest and gradually spread over all people present.


On receiving “Our Lord” I saw a heavenly vision. I heard “the Voice” say:

“You have fulfilled My wish. Watch well.”


Then another, tremendous “Light” came from outside. Now I saw the inside of the new Chapel. It was a warm, beautiful Chapel. Again I heard “the Voice”:

“Be comforted. ‘The Light’ will accompany you from here.”


“The Voice” stopped for a moment and continued:

“My sign will bear its fruits.”


Again I heard “the Voice” calling twice:

“Lachaim, Lachaim.”


Thereupon “the Light” from outside faded away and every­thing disappeared out of sight. I thanked God and a happy feeling came over me. Holy Mass was about to end and the first “Light” too, faded away.

March 25, 1976

During Holy Mass at the Offertory, “the Threefold Light” came over the priest and the altar and changed into one beautiful, im­mense “Light,” which spread slowly over all those present.

At the Consecration the “Light” parted to both sides like a veil being lifted. In the midst I saw the priest holding the Sacred Host. During the Elevation It grew larger and larger and then sud­denly It was like a sun of white fire. Next, at the Elevation of the Chalice, this “Light” scintillated as if It were a spouting fountain. Then the veil of “Light” closed again over the priest and the altar. My Holy Communion was a close union with “the Lord.” At once I felt urged to say:

“My Lord, I thank you for the Sacrifice You have offered for us.”


After that “the Light” slowly disappeared.

May 8, 1976

On receiving “Our Lord” during Holy Mass I saw “the Light” and heard inwardly:

“What is going on?

Whatever is going on?

Whatever is going on in the Vatican?”

May 31, 1976

At the Offertory during Holy Mass “the Light” came over the altar and the priests and slowly spread over all people present. When receiving “Our Lord” I saw a heavenly vision and heard:

“Come, follow Me.”


I came into an endless large plain where people lay sleeping. “The Voice” called from the clouds:

“Awake, rise and watch what has happened over your heads.”


People rose slowly and sluggishly. A big cross appeared in front of them. And “the Voice” spoke again:

“Watch and see that what they have made of it.”


Now the cross fell to pieces before their feet. These pieces were shaped into various figures before my eyes. It happened very quickly. The first figure I saw was a triangle. Then a kind of swas­tika, but somewhat different. Next a hook. I heard the timber of the cross being crushed and I saw how it was bent to the shape of a sickle in which to the left something like a hammer was placed.

After that came a sheaf of arrows. Then two triangles with their tops touching; they looked like a sort of diabolo. Next two triangles partly covering each other. Then a sort of gallows and some more figures, which I did not know.


From on high “the Voice” spoke:

“And that is what they have made of it. But…they have dug their own graves.”

And at once I saw people digging. It seemed to me they were digging large trenches. I had to look down into them and saw a bottomless abyss. From all sides lumps of stone were falling down into it and I saw they were fragments of churches. People also fell into the abyss and I even distinguished priests among them.


It looked as if they were swept away into that depth. I felt very sad and dreary.


From the sky “the Voice” spoke again: “And you? You were asleep.” “The Voice” continued to me:

“Come, follow Me.”


A Light was leading me and I had to follow. I came into our new Chapel, which was lovely and had a dignified atmosphere. From its four corners came a strong wind. I heard and felt the wind blowing around and over me. And from on high I heard:

“Blessed be this Residence, which you have prepared for your Lord and for Her, ‘the Lady of All Nations.’ whom I have sent.”


Kneeling down I suddenly saw “the Glorified Lady” with twelve stars around Her head and wearing a crown. It was mag­nificent and impressive.


From on high came a hand inviting the people in the plain to enter. And “the Voice” said to them:

“Come along, and the Spirit will give you rest and peace for ever and ever.”


And again the wind blew all over us from the four corners of the Chapel. Deeply impressed I said: “My Lord, I thank You in all humility.”


The Lord answered: “Blessed be you all.” I said “Amen.” Then everything faded away.

Jun 1, 1976

In the Night of May 31st to June 1st


That night in a dream I saw what follows:


I was standing in the centre of the large Square of St. Peter in Rome and I was observing the basilica.


All of a sudden, I saw the walls of St. Peter’s began crumbling. Huge lumps of stone fell heavily down on the square.


The peculiar thing was that these lumps collected themselves into small heaps and were lying in a circle all over the square. They looked to me like groups of people; something told me so.


The heaps of stone moved slowly towards the centre of the square and all together formed a huge rock.


While I stood watching, this rock changed into a large church and I shouted:

“Oh! Now it has become a brand-new Church.” What a remarkable thing, to have a dream like this in the night of May 31 st to June 1st, I thought. And suddenly I awoke. It was six in the morning.

August 15, 1976

During Holy Mass (in the Chapel on Diepenbrockstraat) at the Creed “the Light” came from the four corners of the Chapel over all those present.


When receiving “Our Lord” I saw a heavenly vision, and I thought: “Why do other people not see that ‘Light?’” And “the Voice” said to me:

“Because I open your eyes and / make your ears hear. Tell that. I have brought you here. Yes truly, this is a Blessed Residence. Rejoice, ye nations and be thankful. A new era is dawning. But watch what is happening. They have chosen a false spirit. Watch well and understand.”


Now I saw many stone statues on pedestals passing before my eyes.


First a wolf, next a calf, then a hawk, a vulture, a crocodile, a scorpion, a hyena, vipers and snakes, all intermingling, and lastly endless rows of tombstones. All these were images of stone. And a call sounded from the sky: “It is LIFE they wanted to kill. I AM THE LIFE
and I want you to taste of IT every day. Come along, ye nations, only then you will receive rest and peace again and the True Spirit will lead you.”


This being said, I saw a brilliant, radiating Sacred Host above the altar.


Then I saw the Vatican. Its walls were crumbled and damaged. I heard:

“Take care, ye nations.”


And I saw a red tidal wave rolling over the world. I heard:

“See this.”


And I saw the Lady altogether glorified while I heard:

“She will be victorious if you do the Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Proclaim Her ‘the Lady of All Nations.’ And then…”


Now I saw the Vatican again. Its walls were being plastered and repaired by putting in new large blocks of stone and I heard: “This is the new era that is to come. “


And I saw the Vatican all renewed as if reborn. After that everything disappeared.


“The Light” kept shining over all of us till the end of Holy Mass. I thanked the Lord in the name of all people and heard: “The ‘Light’ will accompany you. “

September 8, 1976

During Holy Mass at the Creed “the Light” came from the four corners of the Chapel and became one great beautiful “Light” above the altar and over all those present. On receiving “Our Lord” I saw a heavenly vision.


I heard “the Voice” saying:

“Watch well and understand.”


And all at once I was standing in a desert where, in its centre, I saw a group of people blindfolded with black bandages. From the clouds “the Voice” sounded:

“Ye nations, watch well, I shall unveil your eyes.”


All blindfolds dropped immediately.


Next I saw a huge cross upright in the centre of that desert and in front of it an altar; they were both made of dark brown timber. People gathered around it.


Then I heard “the Voice” call in a lamenting tone:

“Ye, nations, it will have to be again the Altar of Sacrifice.” Beside that altar rose a beautiful cream-coloured Tower; it was completely sculptured and seemed to be ivory. It rose very high above everything. Around its top scintillating stars appeared in a vertical circle. I counted twelve of them.


And again “the Voice” sounded:

“Listen, ye nations, She is standing beside the Altar of Sacrifice by the Will of the Father.”

Then everything faded away from my sight, but “the Light” kept shining over all of us till the end of Holy Mass. I thanked the Lord and asked. “Dear Lord, please help us along.”

October 7, 1976

At the Creed, during Holy Mass, I saw “the Light” coming from the four corners of the Chapel and grow into one most beau­tiful “Light” above the altar. Then it spread over all present.

“The Light” stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

October 30, 1976

This night I dreamt as follows.


I was standing in the centre of St. Peter’s Square in Rome and I saw fishing-nets hanging all around. They hung on stakes in or­der to dry and were full of holes and gaps. Here and there in a hole a fish was still hanging, trying to get out.


Where I was standing, there was a rock, and big dark clouds were hanging over it.From there I heard “the Voice” complaining: “Cephas, My Cephas, look what has happened. ” I had to look at these nets and over each fishing-net I saw a mitre hovering, some bigger, some smaller. And I felt myself caught within all those nets.


Again I heard “the Voice” complaining: “Cephas, My Cephas, look at these holes and gaps. That is how it happened that so many fishes got lost. ” Then a thread came down from the clouds; it looked like a golden thread. Meanwhile, a totally different large fishing-net was spread out before that rock. It had been completely repaired by that thread, and I saw no more holes and gaps in it. It filled up with wriggling fish and was firmly tied up by that golden thread.


Now a staff came down from the clouds and struck three times against that rock. It sounded hard as steel.


While all this was happening, I saw that rock growing larger and higher until it was a gigantic pillar. The net with fish was hang­ing from its top.


All this seemed very real to me.


I awoke and it was three o’clock at night.

December 8, 1976

During Holy Mass, at the Creed, while we were reciting: “The Word was made flesh,” “the Light” came from the four corners of the Chapel and spread over the altar, the priest and all those present. At the Consecration, “the Light” shone over the altar and the priest only, and it was as if the people present were in the shade.


On receiving “Our Lord” I had a heavenly vision. I was again standing in St. Peter’s Square and I saw quite the same spectacle as in the dream I had in the night of October 29th to 30th, 1976. This time, however, there were no dark clouds above the Square, but a blue clear sky. “The Voice” called:

“You are standing now in the same Square, but watch what will happen.”


All the torn nets disappeared and in their places came new, undamaged ones. Again, I stood near the high pillar and at its top I saw that fishing-net hanging full of live fish. “The Voice” spoke:



Suddenly, the net fell down near the foot of the rock. I had to look at it and thought inwardly. “These fishes are dead, they have lost life now.”


From the sky I heard “the Voice” calling:

“Cephas, My Cephas, you have been granted the power to make them alive again.”

Then the net opened and instead of fish, people of different races and tribes came stepping out.

They gathered around the rock and all looked up. “The Voice” continued:

“Give these people My Bread.”


Then I saw, on high, beams of light radiating on both sides of the rock, and from them I saw baskets coming down at one side and bowls full of grapes at the other side. They were placed around these people.


“Cephas, I have given you the power.”


Thereafter a magnificent, glorious “Light” began spreading over the rock and the whole Square. And I heard:

“My Spirit will support you. Watch well.”


Now a beautiful, high Ivory Tower rose beside that rock. It was more beautiful than the one I had seen before. Round about it twelve stars appeared one by one. But high in the midst I saw the most beautiful star, which changed alternately from a star into a Golden Rose.

Meanwhile I heard “the Voice” say:

“She was exalted above all tribes. She is ‘the Lady of All Nations.’ She will help you.”

This heavenly vision stayed a long time before my eyes and then slowly faded away.

December 9, 1976

During Holy Mass, when receiving “Our Lord” I heard a la­menting voice calling:

“Ahab! Ahab!”


This name I had never heard before and I don’t know the mean­ing of it. On December 12th, 1976 at Holy Communion I heard the same lamenting voice again, but this time calling much louder:

“Ahab! Ahab!”

January 1, 1977

During Holy Mass, at the Creed, while we were reciting: “The Word was made flesh,” “the Light” came from the painting of “the Lady” over the altar and the priest and spread over all those present. It stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

February 2, 1977

During Holy Mass at the Intercessory Prayers “the Light” came over the altar and the priests and then spread slowly over all people present, and I heard:

“Yes, verily, may ‘the Light’ come down upon all of you.”


At the Consecration “the Light” shone only over the altar and the priests and we seemed to be in the shade, and I heard:

“This is My Body, which has been sacrificed for you and wants to live within you. My sons, take Me again among the people.”


Then “the Light” radiated again over all those present. On re­ceiving “Our Lord” I had a heavenly vision and heard:

“Come, follow Me and understand all this rightly.”


At once I stood in a large plain and in its centre there was a temple from ancient times. The columns were somewhat crumbled. On the top of the columns at the front I saw a triangular timpan ornamented with all sorts of figures. Big, stone steps lay before the temple and inside I saw a tiled floor. From the cloud hanging above I heard “the Voice” complaining:

“Ahab! Ahab!”


Then this vision disappeared and instead of this temple I saw St. Peter’s. A huge spider wove a large cobweb which covered the whole front of St. Peter’s. Dark clouds were hanging in the sky and from these clouds “the Voice” called in an even more lamenting tone, as of a dying person:

“My sons, My sons! Why did you forsake Me?
My people, My people! Why did you forsake Me ?
Come back to your true doctrine, within the true Church.”


On hearing this I felt a great sadness in my heart. Then I real­ized that something was going on in the Vatican. I could not see what was happening…All at once the cobweb disappeared from St. Peter’s and above in the sky I saw a beautiful rainbow with lustrous colours. And I heaved a sigh of relief. Then everything faded away. “The Light” was still shining over all of us and now also slowly disappeared.


I thanked “the Lord” and said: “Dear Lord, how thankful we should be, that You show to the little ones we are, the way we have to go.” These words came spontaneously from my heart.

February 11, 1977

At the Consecration “the Light” came over the altar and the priest. Then it spread slowly over those present.


I also saw a special “Light” shining over the Painting of “the Lady of All Nations.” Both “Lights” stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

March 25, 1977

During Holy Mass at the Offertory, “the Light” came over all of us, and I heard:

“May the heavenly ‘Light’ come down upon all of you.”


At the Preface I saw the Painting of “the Lady of All Nations” suffused with Light. At the Consecration, “the Light” was shining only over the altar and the priest, but as the Consecration was over, it spread again over all those present.


On receiving “Our Lord” I had a heavenly vision. I heard “the Voice” say:

“You, human being, come and follow Me, watch and un­derstand all this well.”


“The Light” went ahead of me and I came into a mountainous landscape. I knew inwardly, it is here from far bygone ages.


In front of me stood a bearded man who held a big stone in his hand. Then I saw stones appearing on the ground, all bearing a number. I counted from 1 to 10.


“The Voice” spoke to me:

“Watch well what has happened.”


I heard a tremendous noise and I saw all the stones having been pounded to grit, and “the Voice” spoke:

“They have trampled them down and crushed them. Come along, we ‘II go on.”


Then it was as if I had to take a great step and I found myself in quite a different time. In front of me I saw a grey old man with delicate features. In one hand he held a scroll. He raised his arms and I saw that he was looking at something.


“The Voice” spoke to me:

“Watch, what he is looking at.”


I looked in the same direction as the grey-haired man and saw a heavenly, glorified “Lady” totally flooded with “the Light” and surrounded by heavenly beings.


That image disappeared and I saw the figures 3-10-12 mov­ing past.


Again I heard “the Voice” speaking:

“Follow Me.”


It seemed to me as if I had to take another great step and I heard inwardly: “You find yourself now in quite a different era.” And I saw ruins of temples, idols, havoc, emptiness and apostasy. “The Voice” spoke:

“Come, we go on.”


Again I beheld a mountainous landscape and some men stand­ing there.


And “the Voice” said:

“They are twelve, only count them. My Shepherd, understand all this rightly.”


To me “the Voice” said:

“Come, follow Me.”


While “the Light” was constantly going ahead of me, I heard inwardly: “Now again you are in a quite different epoch.”


I saw before me a radiating veil, which opened slowly. A mag­nificent ripening cornfield stretched before my eyes.


In its centre stood the picture of “the Lady of All Nations” and round its frame beautiful vines full of ripened grapes were hang­ing. Over the picture appeared the figures 1 -9-5-9.1 heard inwardly:

“Time is in full bloom.”


And I heard “the Voice” say:

“Watch, what SHE has been sent for. Follow Me.”


Then all at once I stood before a black veil which opened and I heard a noise as the cutting off at branches and 1 saw the grape­vines falling down one by one. It made a piercing, awful noise. Round about, I saw a huge ruin of churches. I felt a terrible de­spondency, lassitude and, worst of all, emptiness in my heart.


I heard “the Voice” say in a plaintive tone:

“Matters have gone so far as that. Times repeat themselves again as it was in bygone days. But…follow Me.”


And again I stood before a white veil, which opened very slowly. And in front of me I saw the Vatican. Everywhere small groups of sheep were wandering about idle in the Square. Sud­denly, the sheep changed into small groups of people and I felt that there was difference among these people. “The Voice” called in a plaintive tone:

“They are divided and dispersed.
You, My Supreme Pastor – Cephas,
I give you the power,
bring back the flock into unity.
Don ‘t let them go astray.
Then peace and quiet will come back.”


And again “the Light” went ahead of me. I came in an endless plain. On the horizon appeared the numbers 2-0-0-0. Then every­thing slowly disappeared from my view. I thanked “the Lord” and said:

“Dear Lord, please enlighten my mind, I cannot understand all this, it is so difficult.” Whereupon “the Voice” replied:

“Communicate this. “


And I had to answer: “Amen.”

April 7, 1977

Maunday Thursday


During the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, I saw “the Light” coming from the four corners of the Chapel and shining over the present.


It kept shining during the celebration of Holy Mass. At the Consecration, however, it shone only over the altar and the priest, but afterwards, it spread again over all those present.

April 10, 1977

Easter Sunday


At the Offertory, “the Light” came from the four corners of the Chapel and shone over the altar and the priest. Then it spread over all those present.


At the Consecration, I saw “the Light” shining only over the altar and the priest. And it was as if we were in the shade. The Con­secration past, “the Light” spread again over all the people present.

May 5, 1977

In the Night of 5th to 6th May


After falling asleep, I suddenly came fully awake and I was not able to get to sleep again. All the time I heard inwardly:



I could not imagine its meaning. Then I heard as much as three times:

“Read the Maccabees.         
Read the Maccabees.
Read the Maccabees.”


At that time it was three o’clock, and I fell asleep again.

May 12, 1977

During Holy Mass, when receiving “Our Lord” and while “the Light” was shining over all of us, I heard:

“The red veins are still moving onward.”


(This was said in German.) Hearing these words, I saw a small red streamlets running.

May 19, 1977

Ascension Day


During Holy Mass, at the Offertory, “the Light” came from the four corners of the Chapel over all those present and the priest and the altar. At the Consecration, however, “the Light” shone only over the altar and the priest, and the people present were in the shade. After the Consecration “the Light” spread again over all of us. While receiving “Our Lord” I heard “the Voice” saying:

“Blessed are you who believe in Me, may the Spirit descend upon you.”


At the end of Holy Mass “the Light” slowly faded away.

May 29, 1977

Whit Sunday


During Holy Mass, at the Creed, I heard a tremendous noise coming which filled the whole Chapel. I looked around to see what was going on and I saw three beams of “Light” shining over the altar and the priest.


They kept shining over the priest during the whole Creed, and then spread slowly as one glorious “Light” over all those present. It stayed till the end of Holy Mass.

May 31, 1977

During Holy Mass, at the Creed, “the Light” came from the four corners of the Chapel and spread slowly over the altar, the priests and the people present. At the Consecration “the Light” shone only over the priests and the altar. “The Light” was like a threefold beam with one ray shining over each of the priests. Afterwards, the rays gathered again to become one “Light,” and it was as if those present were in the shade.


At the Elevation of the Sacred Host and the Chalice, “a Voice” came from that “Light” saying:

“Thus it shall remain for all eternity, tell this to your theo­logians.”


And “the Light” spread again over all those present. When receiving “Our Lord” I had a heavenly vision. A wonderful “Light” went ahead of me and I heard:

“Come, follow Me.”


Now I saw endless space before me, and “the Voice” said:

“Human child, I have shown you all the ages of history. They are now living again in the middle of them. Watch attentively and understand Me rightly: Now the Maccabees are coming forth.”

And again I heard: “Come, follow Me.”


Then, all at once, I was standing before a large gate which I took to be made of bronze.


“The Voice” spoke:

“This one will not yet be opened, but…There is a great event in store for the Church.”


And I seemed to see and feel shifts and movements behind the gate.


After that, the wonderful “Light” went on ahead of me until I came before a black gate and “the Voice” said:

“An important event is also to be expected for your coun­try as well as for other countries. Keep that in mind.”


The gate opened slowly and I heard: “Now enter, human child, come into your own era. It is the same whirlpool as informer times. I have already shown you the pictures of destruction, strife, quarrel and death.”


Then I saw all the peoples of the world and above all this the bust of a Pope.

And from the sky “the Voice” spoke:

“This is My command to you:
Do gather them!
It is a heavy task to be taken on your shoulders, but I have
given you My golden thread.
Accept it and you will see the re-blossoming.”


To me “the Voice” said:

“Come, human being, follow Me.”


Then I stood before a closed gate; it was gold-coloured. I heard:

“Come into My Garden.”


As the gate slowly opened, I was allowed to enter, following “the Light.”


How beautiful it was there, defies all description.


“The Light” that all the time had gone ahead of me, now grew even more radiant and glorious and was shining over the whole garden.


I saw fine heavenly flowers and greenery. A heavenly scent was spreading and I heard heavenly music. At the back of this Garden, I saw “the Glorified Lady” resplendently beautiful. She was flooded with “Light.” It is impossible for me to describe how I felt and what came over me. I cannot explain it better.


I was allowed to stay there for a long time and to behold it all. Then everything faded away.
I thanked “the Lord” in all humility and said:

“Dear Lord, I don’t know why I have deserved this!”


And I heard: “Amen.”


Holy Mass was about to end and “the Light” slowly disappeared.

August 15, 1977

During Holy Mass “the Light” came over the altar and the priest at the Offertory, and I heard:

“My Blessing come down upon all of you. Remain faithful to Her whom I have sent.”


After receiving “Our Lord” I saw a heavenly vision. “The Voice” spoke to me:

“Come, follow Me.”


And I was going on a long road, with a “Radiant Figure” ahead of me. Then “the Voice” said to me:

“Once more you are allowed to see Her in all Her heav­enly glory.”


While these words were spoken, a golden gate opened before me and I saw “the Glorified Lady” in a powerful “Light” and su­premely beautiful.


As the gate was slowly being closed, I heard:

“The struggle will come, but… She will gain victory.”


And with “the Light” again ahead of me, I went back all that long road. Now “the Voice” spoke:

“Watch and understand.”


In front of me stood a fountain, but it did not spout. The water in the basin was dirty, swampy and muddy. Near the basin I saw large baskets filled with bits of moldy bread. Beside them stood a stone sacrificial altar, but the fire was dead. And “the Voice” spoke:

“You, My sons, understand your task. Make the water become pure again.”


Thereupon, all at once, I saw the fountain spouting fine, lim­pid water. “The Voice” said:

“The bread too must be made pure again.”


Now I saw in the baskets white Sacred Hosts which radiated “Light.” “The Voice” continued:

“And blow ‘the Fire’ again and keep it burning.”


And I saw bright, pure flames getting up on the sacrificial altar. Now “the Voice” said to me:

“Tell them that all this must be re-restored. Tell them that only then it will be all right.”


Then everything disappeared slowly from my view. “The Light” was still shining over all of us.

August 27, 1977

During Holy Mass, after receiving “Our Lord” I heard: “Ich warnefh die Ostee.”

(These words were spoken in German. English translation: “/ warn for the Baltic.”)


“The Light” was shining over all of us from the Offertory till the end of Holy Mass.


During Holy Mass at the Offertory “the Light” came over the altar and the priest. Then It spread slowly over all those present and stayed till the end of Holy Mass.


After receiving “Our Lord,” I heard two times inwardly in a lamenting tone:


December 8, 1977

During Holy Mass “the Light” came at the Creed, when the words “Simul Adortur” were pronounced. It was shining over the altar and the priest and then spread slowly over all those present.


During the Consecration “the Light” was shining only over the altar and the priest, and we were in the shade. At the Elevation of the Sacred Host and the Chalice, I saw a glittering letter “M” appear within “the Light” over the altar. It radiated on all sides.


After the Consecration that “M” disappeared very slowly and “the Light” spread again over all the people present. It stayed till the end of Holy Mass.


On receiving “Our Lord” I heard “the Voice” saying:

“Don’t fear, My faithful ones, I am with you.” Addressing to me “the Voice” continued:

“I have shown you the ages of history. They are right in the thick of happenings.” “The Voice” stopped for a moment and said:

“Don’t be distressed, see what will happen. The force of ‘the Prayer’ will have its effect. Watch well.”



Suddenly, I was placed in a large square. In its centre I saw a high pillar. At one side of that pilar stood a stylized Lily and at the other side a large letter “A” interlaced with a large letter “M.” Then men, women and young people came running along from both sides. It looked like an army. One group posted itself behind the Lily, the other group behind that “A-M.” More and more men, women and young people came from all directions and gathered around the pillar. While a flag was being hoisted to the top, everyone looked at it. The colours of the flag were white and yellow and in the flag’s centre I saw an emblem which I could not distinguish clearly, because the flag was hanging down. Out of the clouds “the Voice” spoke:

“My armies are ready for action.
Don’t be afraid. I shall gain victory.
Listen well, My faithful ones, I shall gain victory.”


Now all people posted themselves in front of the pillar so as to form the pattern of an enormous Eagle with wide outspread wings.


It was a marvelous spectacle on a grand scale. Then every­thing disappeared slowly from my view.

December 21-23, 1977

During three successive days I repeatedly heard inwardly the name: “FELICI.”

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